Thursday, March 13, 2014

Samples for Editors

Greetings, I'm putting this post up as a way for comics editors to get a quick sampling of my work without having to email a bunch of jpgs.  I've probably still sent you a few jpgs, but hopefully this will give you a better look at my comics-related work.

Thanks for taking a look!  As always I greatly appreciate feedback.

First up is a sequence from "The Last Stop", which appeared in a recent issue of Creepy Comics.

Next, here is a five-page sequence from a Dark Horse story accompanying the new Thief video game.

And the following sixth page, just because it's pretty ;)

Here's one of my favorite sequences from Witch Doctor, a series I co-created with writer Brandon Seifert.  This sequence takes place at the end of the fourth issue in a six-issue miniseries.

Lastly, I'd like to share a few covers, and a few editorial illustrations that could be considered cover-related in style.

(These are a few I did in the style of retro Atari box art.  I get asked to do these frequently, so I figured I include a few of them.)

These last few are from various projects, and they're really just here to show variation in style: