Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Supertrash Film Festival poster

For the Supertrash Film Festival, artists were invited to create an original poster for the trashy movie of their choice. I chose to do The Running Man, and I tried to add a little 80's flavor to the design. I guess this is what the film would have looked like if it were animated.

Later this year, the posters from this show will be collected and published into a book.

Witch Doctor teaser poster

Here is a teaser pinup for the comic book I'm co-creating with writer Brandon Seifert. This'll be my first comic -- I'm excited!

Mortgage Vulture

I like how this spot for the Willamette Week turned out. Vultures are fun to draw!

Mercury Calendar illo "Zephyr"

Here's one I did for the Portland Mercury's 2008 calendar. Zephyr is the name printed in blue on my favorite white bicycle (with matching white grip tape on the handlebars) that was stolen from me around Halloween time in NE Portland. If you see this bicycle (minus the wings), please let me know.

Happy Shat

I am a HUGE Star Trek fan. Every day I go to my favorite site, trekmovie.com for updates on the new upcoming Star Trek film. I did this drawing of William Shatner one day and thought of how cool it would to do spot illustrations for trekmovie.com. I emailed the the guy who runs the site, sent him this pic (which is inscribed specifically to trekmovie.com), and even offered to do illustrations for the site for free if there was no budget for such a thing.

I never heard back. His loss.